Upper body blast...
#flatsnoutfitnesstraining #Nononsensetraining #nobullshit #Boxingfitness #boxingtraining #50andfucked #50andstillpunchin #health #foodporn #Virusfitness #Virusfitness #newcastleboxingtrainer #Setyourgoals #abatrainer #bbboctrainer #RFUTRAINER #Flatsnoutfightnight2021 #newyeargoals2021 #Boxingtraining #BOXINGFITNESS #flatsnoutfightnightJuly2021 #22yrveteran #Hmforces #ssafa_armedforcescharity
Try this guys.....
1.Start with a warm up to get your pulse up there.( 5 mins)
2. A dynamic stretch to pump the blood around the muscles and body.
3. Easy 10 reps/int-25/adv-50
1. Press ups
2. Tri dips
3. Shadow box 1 min, fast pace
Complete the rounds 3 times
Go for it !👊🥊🥊💪
Abs then static stretch.
Make sure you get 25 grms protein in with 1.5 hrs.
Flatsnout Boxing.