End of lockdown 2
So lockdown 2 ends 2nd December
Next weeks class Thursday 7-8pm
And Sat 3-4 pm
Come down and blast it up with Covid rules
-book in adv online
-wash hands on entry to club
-maintain social distancing
#flatsnoutboxing #flatsnoutfitnesstraining #Nononsensetraining #nobullshit #Boxingfitness #boxingtraining #50andfucked #50andstillpunchin #boxingtraining #50andfucked #50andstillpunchin #healthylifestyle #nutrition #healthy #healthyeating #wellness
Keep in shape for our Covid compliant 121 training sessions and classes tues/ thurs 7-8pm-
1. Try our gym workout of cardio/ weights.
2. Eat well-fitness recipes/ hi protein diet.
3. Sleep rest well.
Read our books to keep as well informed as you are fit.
Great Fitness/ diet books for under £35 !
With that you'll get in Flatsnout fitness, the method, knowledge to get your own fitness regime starting, with chapters on boxing technique/ cardio/ weight training/ hi protein diet and so much more
With 7 day detox book
Its does exactly as it sayes-7 day diet to detox you.
With our latest book 100 fitness recipes, we've worked with nutritionists to bring you a colourful book, that delivers recipes with macro nutrients for each meal and each serving.
So all three for under £35 !
Try it today !
Flatsnout Boxing.
💥💥💥Flatsnout fitness
💥💥💥7Day Detox
💥💥💥100 Fitness-recipes