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Ever used the rower ?

Have you ever thought about a rowing training programme with specific rowing exercises to strengthen your lower back, legs and arms? Why not check out ours with the help of a rower. When you’re looking at a rowing training programme, first look a body areas your training.

Specific exercises for rowing can help with your rowing technique and strength, so why not read our detailed information in the following pages. Using the rower means that you will need some training tips and advice to help you to get the best out of it. This ergo (rowing machine) will certainly improve both your all-round fitness level, as well as improve your muscular strength and endurance.

The Concept 2 rowing machine is probably the most used piece of rower equipment in gyms in the UK. It does not have all the bells and whistles that some other rowing machines have, but it works every time! So check out our simple training sessions below.


SPM = strokes per minute.

= resistance level


ONE 28/32 3 / 5 600 / 1000 EASY TEC

TWO 28/32 5 X 400 MEDIUM WO


FOUR 32+ 5 / 6 3 X 200 MEDIUM TEC

FIVE 28 / 32 4 / 5 2 X 500 MEDIUM WO

SIX 26 / 30 4 / 5 1200 / 1500 EASY DIS

SEVEN 32+ 5 / 6 3 X 300 MEDIUM TEC

EIGHT 28 / 32 3 / 5 3 X 400 EASY DIS

NINE 28 / 32 4 /5 3 X 500 MEDIUM WO

TEC = technique, concentrate on your technique, remember legs arms, then arms and legs.

WO = workout, aims to raise the heart rate and work the body’s muscles to a safe level.

DIS = distance. There is nothing wrong with stopping for a short rest, then finishing off the required distance.

Remember to work within your own limits when doing any exercise programme.

Effort: Easy – chill out, like it suggests. Talking should be easy. You need to get used to the machine and allow your body to gradually adapt.

Medium – you will get out of breath. Talking is possible, but only for short periods.

Hard – you will not want to talk as your body works out, and be glad when the session is over.


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